Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tourism and France Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tourism and France - Research Paper Example The international tourists provide importance to rich natural vegetation, cultural and historical heritage of a tourist destination. Within this context, France is one of the best examples for the rapid growth and development of tourism as a profitable business. Thesis statement: The economic, cultural and social impacts of tourism in the French society prove that tourism is a business, which is interconnected with the process of development. The glory of France as an international tourist destination is interconnected with Charles VIII, because he conquered Mont Aiguille in France (say, in the year 1492). This incident is important in the history of tourism in France because the same deeply influenced the development of mountaineering as an adventure sport. Hudman and Jackson stated that, â€Å"France has a long history of tourism and well-established reputation of being the playground of Europe† (p.200). In the field of beach tourism in France, the inauguration of seaside resort in Dieppe in the year 1822 is another development. Within the context of infrastructure development, especially the development of railroad network in 1850-1850 is another initiative, which accelerated tourism. One can see that resorts and casinos play an important role in the development of tourism. For instance, the launching of Monte-Carlo Resort and the casino attached to the same is another development in the field of tourism in Fra nce. Most of the international tourists are interested in music and entertainment. In the year 1867, the French authorities in Orange, which deeply influenced the tourism sector, organized a music festival. The opening of the first tourist office in the year 1889 and the opening of the National Tourist Office in the year 1910 are other historical developments. Besides, the establishment of the Vanoise National Park (say, in 1963) in France initiated the development of sustainable tourism. The creation of French Conservatory for Coastal

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