Monday, November 25, 2019

American Success Essay Example

American Success Essay Example American Success Essay American Success Essay In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure (Bill Cosby). Americans have always strived to succeed in any way we could it doesn’t matter the subject or situation. The idea of success for an American brings honor and give us a sense of greatness no matter what it is. Success can be found in almost every aspect of an ever day American life. This is why our country is one of the super power and we’ve began to be seen as a bully by some. Even though we may be hated b certain groups of people we still have are allies that mostly rely on us but either way it’s a sort of partnership. Therefore I believe the author is right about the fact of Americans and success; we’ve seen success in sports, space and war. Americans and sports is one of the most competitive aspects of our everyday lives, and when the Olympics come around we come together as a country to beat others. In 2012, the USA won 104 medals and 46 gold medals the most out of all competitors (nbcolympics. com). As a country we put so much effort into winning the Olympics that we have surpassed all other countries by a huge margin. The way America practically dominates the Olympics can be seen as a bad thing but if you know how proud it is to be an American and have everyone look up to you it wouldn’t be that difficult to understand us. If the US puts in this much effort into sports what does that say about our country and the pride we find in winning? Therefore, it could be interpreted that the success we are all taught to strive for as young kids is displayed through our effort we put in as a country just to be at the top. We came to a point as a country we ruled everything we set our minds to except outer space. â€Å"Between 1957 and 1975, the Cold War rivalry between the two nations focused on attaining firsts in space exploration, which were seen as necessary for national security and symbolic of technological and ideological superiority,† (Wikipedia/space race). We were in a war with the Soviet Union it wasn’t a direct war, it was war through other thing, and one main thing was the race to get to the moon before they did. We believed that we need to get to the moon first as if it was a necessity for national security and ideal of us being a bigger super power. It can be understood that we were in a nonphysical war with the Soviet Union to just to beat them on a competition type of fighting. It is almost unbelievable how we let our pride and sort of hunger for success get us in to stuff. War is subject in American society were we have built an ego up to say that we are an unstoppable force. No other county can compete with us when it comes to this subject and it is said that we are the greatest military power in the world. â€Å"I served in the U. S. Army for 8 years, as an infantry soldier in the 82nd airborne div. Ive been to Iraq three times and Bosnia once and no army in the world can compare to Americas land and air forces,† (Lt. Lawrence). It is unarguable that are country isn’t one of the best in the air on the ground no matter who we are at war against. In every war we have been involved in we have completely dominated. Our country is feared by others and it’s to the point where it can be believed it will always be this way. The way we have to treat war is always be aggressive cause if were to let up for even a second we could have possible attacks like the ones in 911. Therefore when people ask why America so worried about is maintain their sort of rein as the top country? It can be understood that the success we strive for is the main reason why we take our military so serious. Americans and success are like pees in a pod; we can’t help but want success it’s almost like we crave it. Throughout history we have seen success in three main areas which are sports, space and war. We’ve seen success in the Olympics a place where the world competes. Also space is one of our greatest achievements we were the first country to successfully land on the moon. Last but not least was war is place where we are almost untouchable no other country would really be able to compete with us. Therefore it can be understood to be an American is to want to reach success no matter how small the thing you are striving to be great at is, we go for it anyways.

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